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Faculty Application Process

This guide outlines the steps involved in instructing a course at the Las Nubes EcoCampus. We invite faculty members from all faculties at York University to explore the opportunity of teaching at Las Nubes, whether as part of the Study Abroad Program or during other periods throughout the year. The duration of this process is typically around one year for professors adapting an existing course, while newly proposed courses may require a longer timeframe.

Study Abroad Program Information 

Las Nubes courses welcome both undergraduate and graduate students from York University and other post-secondary institutions. Evaluation methods must be designed to measure various levels of understanding, and these details should be explicitly outlined in the course syllabus, including the evaluations for grad and undergrad students. Proposed courses should not disrupt existing teaching commitments and responsibilities, and they should not include a request for a course release

Length: 10 days plus 2 days of travel time 
Course codes: Ideally, courses are at the 4000 level, so graduate students can fill out a form to take the course. Some programs will not allow graduate students to enroll in 4000-level courses, so graduate codes must be used. Some faculty have generic experiential education codes that could be used to enroll grad students. Cross-listed courses are also an option.  
Class size: Max. 25 students and min. 18 
TA: Not available    

General Timelines and Expectations 
Spring – Faculty info session 
Summer/Fall – Internal faculty application process (expression of interest with Dean or Associate Dean, using the template below) 
Winter (Feb 1) – Las Nubes application deadline  
Winter (Mar 30) – Results communicated 
Fall/Winter – Student recruitment, course preparation 

Application Process 

Step 1

Internal Faculty Process 

Please complete the statement of interest document (Template), and submit it to the listed contact person in your faculty by the deadline. 

FacultyContact Person
AMPD Chair, Department of Visual Art and Art History (
EUC Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning (
Health Manager, International Relations ( 
LA&PSAssociate Dean, Global and Community Engagement ( & Study Abroad Coordinator (
GlendonAssociate Principal, Academic/Vice-principale aux affaires academiques (
LassondeAssociate Dean, Academic and Students (
EducationAssociate Dean, Academic Programs (
Schulich TBA

Step 2

Application to teach a course with the Las Nubes Study Abroad Program  
This is a competitive process as we receive multiple requests to teach at the Las Nubes EcoCampus from across the university. Completing this application process does not guarantee your participation in the program.

The selection will be based on a demonstrated alignment of the course proposal with the Las Nubes mission to contribute to community well-being in ways that are compatible and conducive to environmental conservation as well as its alignment with the University Academic Plan in addressing both the UN SDGs and York University’s six priorities for action.   

Courses currently offered at Las Nubes will be given priority, as long as these can demonstrate ongoing enrollment of 20+ students.

DateProcess description
Fall, Winter (prior to February 1) After receiving the faculty’s approval, please complete the Faculty Application Form 
February 1Deadline to submit the Faculty Application Form to
February 1-28 Applications review by the Las Nubes Study Abroad Program (Curriculum Committee)
March 1-29 Faculty designate’s evaluation and final selection
March 30 Decisions will be communicated to applicants 
April - June Course preparation and scheduling
September to March Information sessions and recruitment 
February to April Course planning, logistics and orientation session.
First-time faculty teaching at Las Nubes must complete the familiarize and complete the following mandatory requirements:
- Complete the Safety Abroad training provided by YI (check the calendar)
- Complete the Effective Intercultural Communications course
- Read the Health and Safety Plan & the Student Code of Conduct for the Las Nubes EcoCampus


If you have any questions regarding the process, send an email to